The Good Ol' Brush and Nib

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Lately I’ve been really craving some traditional brush and nib ink on bristol board. So, I thought I would practice with a drawing of Michael Keaton (my favorite Batman).

Supplies: Speedball India Ink, Holbein Titanium White Acryla Gouache and Zipatone on Strathmore 500 Series bristol board, 2-ply Plate (Smooth). Inked with a Winsor and Newton Series 7 Sable brush (sizes 1 and 2) and a Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder(T-40) with a Zebra Comic G Model Chrome Pen Nib.

Growing up I remember rewinding the scenes posted below over and over until the VHS player was smoking:) They are still some of my favorite Batman scenes from all of the films to this day.